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Magnetic oscillations in metals (eBook, ) [blogger.com]
Magnetic Oscillations in Metals. and list of authors), clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the full-text. describes reduction of electron mean free path in magnetic field B pointing. Jan 24, · The authors show that, similarly to electrons, in the presence of spin-orbit coupling, phonons can induce an effective magnetic oscillation even in non-magnetic Author: Idoia G. Gurtubay, Idoia G. Gurtubay, Aitzol Iturbe-Beristain, Aitzol Iturbe-Beristain, Asier Eigure. Magnetic Oscillations in Metals PDF (Adobe DRM) can be read on any device that can open PDF (Adobe DRM) eBook downloads in PDF and ePub formats. Choose from ,+ eBooks and get a Free eBook download now! Follow eBookMall on: My eBookMall. eBook Club; All .

Magnetic oscillations in metals pdf free download
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Learn more. DOI: Preface; 1. Historical introduction; 2. Theory; 3, magnetic oscillations in metals pdf free download. Observation of the de Haas-van Alphen effect; 4. Other oscillatory effects; 5. Fermi surfaces and cyclotron masses; 6.
Magnetic interaction; 7, magnetic oscillations in metals pdf free download. Magnetic breakdown; 8. The Dingle temperature; 9. Phase and spin-splitting; Appendices; Bibliography; Magnetic oscillations in metals pdf free download Index, magnetic oscillations in metals pdf free download.
Citations References 0. To analyze the observed decrease of the amplitude of SdH oscillations in a spin non-degenerate electron system, such as 2D helical electrons in the strained HgTe films, 5, one should assume that some physical parameters, controlling the SdH amplitude in LifshitsKosevich formula 19, 22change with the magnetic field.
The following relations of the quantum mean free path l q and Fermi velocity v F with the magnetic field B Jun The first observable that manifests the momentum and field direction dependence of the Zeemans coupling is 3 the "spin-zero" effect [7]where the Shubnikov-de Haas Oscillation SdH or De Haas Von Alphen dHV effect vanishes when the field is applied along some special directions. The SdH or dHV effect is the oscillation of the resistance or magnetic susceptibility that occurs under magnetic field.
First of all, the induced Berrys connection will contribute a phase to the quantization condition for Landau orbits, which can be detected directly by the quantum oscillation spectrum [4- 6]. As will be introduced below, such additional phase will strongly modify the "spin-zero effect [7] in these materials, in which the amplitude of quantum oscillation will vanish completely at some special angles determined by the Zeeman effect.
In traditional materials, the "spinzero" angles are fully magnetic oscillations in metals pdf free download by the splitting of the areas enclosed by Landau orbits for two different "spin" [7].
While, for metals with strong spin orbital coupling these "spin-zero" angles acquired considerable contributions from Zeeman induced Berry's phases accumulated on two different Landau orbits, which will greatly change the "spin-zero" angles. Topological metals induced by Zeeman effect. Oct Song Sun. In the present paper, we propose a new way to classify centrosymmetric metals by studying the Zeeman effect caused by an external magnetic field described by the momentum dependent g-factor tensor on the Fermi surfaces.
Nontrivial U 1 Berry's phase and curvature can be generated once the otherwise degenerate Fermi surfaces are splitted by the Zeeman effect, which will be determined by magnetic oscillations in metals pdf free download the intrinsic band structure and the structure of g-factor tensor on the manifold of the Fermi surfaces. Such Zeeman effect generated Berry's phase and curvature can lead to three important experimental effects, modification of spin-zero effect, Zeeman effect induced Fermi surface Chern number and the in-plane anomalous Hall effect.
Moreover, the phase shift also encodes the Zeeman coupling to the orbital magnetic moment [17][18][19][20], which can in principle be much greater than the spin magnetic moment in strong-SOC semi metals [21]. Finally, higher harmonics can significantly displace the magnetization peaks, [22][23] [24] which calls into doubt any singleharmonic analysis of quantum oscillations.
Chunyu Guo Carsten Putzke. Quantum oscillations are commonly used to experimentally diagnose the band topology of a semimetal. However, this presumption neglects how spin-orbit coupling renders the Berry phase a continuously varying quantity, and ignores the Zeeman interaction with the spin-orbit-induced magnetic moment.
Here, we overcome these shortcomings and demonstrate how to rigorously identify three-dimensional Dirac fermions from the higher harmonics of quantum oscillations.
This dependence is shown as a dashed line in Fig. A deviation of this type is observed in systems with local hyperboloid geometries as depicted in Fig.
For a massive Dirac fermion E Full-text available. Dec Primarily considered a medium of geometric frustration, there has been a growing recognition of the kagome network as a harbor of lattice-borne topological electronic phases. In this study we report the observation of magnetoquantum de Haas-van Alphen oscillations of the ferromagnetic kagome lattice metal Fe3Sn2. We observe a pair of quasi-two-dimensional Fermi surfaces arising from bulk massive Dirac states and show that these band areas and effective masses are systematically modulated by the rotation of the ferromagnetic moment.
Combined with measurements of Berry curvature induced Hall conductivity, our observations suggest that the ferromagnetic Dirac fermions in Fe3Sn2 are subject to intrinsic spin-orbit coupling in the d electron sector which is likely of Kane-Mele type.
Our results provide insights for spintronic manipulation of magnetic topological electronic states and pathways to realizing further highly correlated topological materials from the lattice perspective. According to Lifshitz-Kosevich theory [14] the temperature dependence of SdH oscillation amplitude can be expressed as: were calculated. In the Table 2 effective 2D-mobility and Hall 3D-mobility are presented.
Jan Magnetic oscillations in metals pdf free download, the slow oscillations have been ascribed to magnetic interaction rather than torque interaction, as they also appear in the resistance. A similar mixing can also lead to slow oscillations in the magnetization as a form of magnetic interaction. The absence of the slow frequency in PdRhO 2 remains a mystery, magnetic oscillations in metals pdf free download, and presents a challenge to interpretations.
The Fermi surface of PtCoO2 from quantum oscillations and electronic structure calculations. The delafossite series of layered oxides include some of the highest conductivity metals ever discovered. Of these, PtCoO2, with a room temperature resistivity of 1. The high conduction takes place in triangular lattice Pt layers, separated by layers of Co-O octahedra, and the electronic structure is determined by the interplay of the two types of layer.
We present a detailed study of quantum oscillations in PtCoO2, at temperatures down to 35 mK and magnetic fields up to 30 T. As for PdCoO2 and PdRhO2, the Fermi surface consists of a single cylinder with mainly Pt character, and an effective mass close to the free electron value.
Due to Fermi-surface warping, two close-lying high frequencies are observed. Additionally, a pronounced difference frequency appears. By analysing the detailed angular dependence of the quantum-oscillation frequencies, we establish the warping parameters of the Fermi surface.
We compare these results to the predictions of first-principles electronic structure calculations including spin-orbit coupling on Pt and Co and on-site correlation U on Co, and hence demonstrate that electronic correlations in the Co-O layers play an important role in determining characteristic features of the electronic structure of PtCoO2.
The background contribution to the induced magnetic field that exists at zero temperature gradient is proportional to the second for normal carriers magnetic oscillations in metals pdf free download third for Dirac fermions power of the chemical potential.
At low temperatures, the chemical potential exhibits a characteristic saw-tooth oscillatory dependence on the magnetic field that is well-known 36, The second contribution to the magnetization, proportional to the difference of temperatures at the inner and the outer edges of the disk, is governed by the differential entropy per particle dependence on the external magnetic field The Nernst effect in Corbino geometry.
Nov We study the manifestation of the Nernst effect in the Corbino disk subjected to the normal external magnetic field and to the radial temperature gradient. The Corbino geometry offers a precious opportunity for the direct measurement of the magnetization currents that are masked by kinetic contributions to the Nernst current in the conventional geometry.
The magnetization currents, also referred to as the edge currents, are independent on the conductivity of the sample which is why they can be conveniently described within the thermodynamic approach. They can be related to the Landau thermodynamic potential for an infinite system. We demonstrate that the observable manifestation of this, purely thermodynamic, Nernst effect consists in the strong oscillations of the magnetic field measured in the center of the disk as a function of the external field.
The oscillations depend on the temperature difference at the edges of the disk. Dirac fermions and 2D electrons with a parabolic spectrum are characterized by oscillations of different phase and frequency. We predict qualitatively different power dependencies of the magnitude of the Nernst signal on the chemical potential for normal and Dirac carriers. Sep Veronika Sunko.
As described in Chap. The main question I will address in this chapter is how the coupling between the itinerant and antiferromagnetic Mott insulating subsystems magnetic oscillations in metals pdf free download the spectroscopic signatures, and what information can be obtained from the spectral function of such a coupled system.
In trying to understand the magnitude of the observed signal it became clear that our experimental observations cannot be explained in terms of simple models of electrons in a periodic potential. Reaching this conclusion required a general analysis of photoemission intensity in systems with periodic potentials of varying strength, given in Sect. This discussion magnetic oscillations in metals pdf free download not relevant only for PdCrO2, but for all systems with periodic potentials of varying strength, such as charge- or spin- density wave materials, magnetic oscillations in metals pdf free download.
A reader primarily interested in PdCrO2 may choose to read Sect. The discrepancy motivated a many body calculation, done by our collaborators Sota Kitamura and Takashi Oka, which I outline in Sect. This calculation in turn motivated additional experiments, described in Sect. Zhongdong Han Tingxin Li. Its insulating bulk origin is unambiguously demonstrated by the antiphase oscillations of the conductance and the resistance. Characteristically, the in-gap oscillation frequency is higher than the Shubnikov—de Haas oscillation close to the conduction band edge in the metallic regime.
The temperature dependence shows both thermal activation and smearing effects, which cannot be described by the Lifshitz-Kosevich theory. A two-band Bernevig-Hughes-Zhang model with a large quasiparticle self-energy in the insulating regime is proposed to capture the main properties of the in-gap oscillations.
Fermi surface of LaFe2P2 - a detailed density functional study.
Magnetic oscillations in metals pdf free download

Magnetic Pendulum () Chaotic behavior occurs in a system that is free from noise and has few degrees of amplitude of oscillations is small, the trend of time period is linear as maybe ignored. However, when oscillation amplitude is increased, non-linearity can be observed as the. Magnetic Oscillations in Metals PDF (Adobe DRM) can be read on any device that can open PDF (Adobe DRM) eBook downloads in PDF and ePub formats. Choose from ,+ eBooks and get a Free eBook download now! Follow eBookMall on: My eBookMall. eBook Club; All . Magnetic Oscillations in Metals. and list of authors), clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the full-text. describes reduction of electron mean free path in magnetic field B pointing.
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