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Descent into Avernus | D&D Adventurers League Organizers

Experience D&D in a way that you’ve never seen before with Baldur's Gate: Descent Into Avernus releasing in game stores, digitally, and everywhere on September 17, Order now at your local game store, D&D Beyond, Roll20, Fantasy Grounds, or online at retailers like Amazon. Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus (Dungeons & Dragons, 5th Edition). This awesome book ready for download, you can get this book now for FREE. New. Subscribe Now Free. Subscribe To Download or Read Ebooks for FREE ↓↓↓↓ Get FREE 30 days by clicking the button below! Baldur's Gate - Descent Into Avernus - Free ebook download as PDF File .pdf), Text File .txt) or read book online for free. A D&D 5e adventure5/5(76).

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Descent into avernus pdf download

Lords of Darkness. Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide. Lii darkness foll and logh1prevail! Illustrator Tyler Jacobson shows the archdevil Zari el angelic sword, adorns the front cover. On the back cover, the reaching for her sword- a reminder of her angelic origins-as her archdevil of Avernus herself graces us with her fiendish presence. Both covers were created by Hydro Wizards of tho Coast, Forcotton R. The characters of Arkhan the Cruel.

All other characters and their d1stinct1Yt likenesses are ptopetty of Wizards of the Coast. Any reproduction or unauthortzed use of the material or artwork cont11ntd herein is prohibited without the tic press written permission of Wizards of the Coasc.

P1inted 1n tht USA. C: Maalc Items D: Creatures. Fiendish Flesh Golem The Basilisk Gate Na go Elfsong Tavern Dungeon of the Dead Three E: Infernal Rapture Menus F: Story Concept Art S: Escape from Avernus G: lnfernal Script A: Diabolical Deals B: Infernal War Macblnes Poster Map Demon Zapper Poster Map Bone Brambles Thalamra, a of Baldur's Gate and ends in Avernus, the devout disciple of the archdevil Zariel, has brokered a first layer of the Nine Hells.

By the end of deal that will enable her to claim the role of grand duke the adventure. To run this adventure, you the city's descent into Avernus.

Hidden Lord, imprisoned in which is a pit fiend named Use the first session of the game to help your players Gargauth. Until recently, the shield was sealed in a tomb create their 1st-level characters. As part of this pro- under the city, but Thalamra's sons recently stole it and cess, the players can choose their party's dark secret transported it to the dungeon below their villa.

So cor- see page Reya Mantlemorn, a young knight from gotten Realms and descended into Avernus, the first Elturel, suspects that the Vanthampurs are shelteri ng layer of the Nine Hells. This event came about as the re- Thavius Kreeg at their estate and offers aid. Characters sult of an infernal bargain between the archdevil Zariel, who storm Duke Vanthampur's villa find Thavius hidden who rules Avernus, and the treacherous High Overseer in the dungeon below it.

Thavius is helping Thalamra of Elturel, Thavius Kreeg. Zariel is capturing cities and Vanthampur use the Shield of the Hidden Lord to bring using their citizens as fodder in the ongoing conflict be- about the fall of Baldur's Gate, in much the same fashion tween demons and devils known as the Blood War.

Next he used the Companion see page 7 to doom Elturel. The characters can be the heroes who descend Nine Hells and re-forms as an amnizu devil on Avernus into Avernus, save Elturel from certain destruction, and see page They might also liberate a spy out hundreds of refugees from the neighboring land imprisoned in Duke Vanthampur's dungeon who works ofElturgard, descent into avernus pdf download.

However, the gates can't hold back news for Sylvira Savikas, a tiefling expert on the Nine Hells. The fact that Elturel's ates out of the library of Candlekeep and has spent years misfortune coincided with Ravengard's visit bas left monitoring devil activity in Baldur's Gate, Elturel, and Baldurians wondering whether Baldur's Gate will suffer the surrounding region, descent into avernus pdf download.

Her spies descent into avernus pdf download after the puzzle Elturel's fate. The characters are glorified thugs. The characters' orders are to help main- urged to seek out Sylvira Savikas in Candlekeep.

Sylvira tain peace by rooting out and destroying followers of knows the secret to unlocking Thavius's puzzle box, descent into avernus pdf download. She Bane, Bhaal, and Myrkul-evil gods collectively known can also facilitate the characters' descent into Avernus as the Dead Three. These vile priests, assassins, and and provide them with a map albeit an unreliable one.

However, there are benefits to hunt them down and find their lair. In the course of to taking the shield with them, for Gargauth can guide their investigation, the characters learn that the Dead them through the Nine Hells in ways others cannot. With Three cultists are secretly being financed by Thalamra or without the shield, the characters depart Candlekeep Vanthampur, one of three remaining dukes who preside and visit Sylvira's friend, Traxigor, a wizard who can over the government ofBaldur's Gate, descent into avernus pdf download, using money sto- use the plane shift spell to get them to Elturel.

At this len from the hoard of Ti am at, the evil queen of dragons wizard's tower, they meet a hollyphant see page descent into avernus pdf download in the Nine Hells. If the characters acters seek out and destroy Dead Three cultists do nothing, the city will be pulled down into the River who are threatening Baidu r's Gate.

As the mach- Styx and bound to the Nine Hells forever, descent into avernus pdf download. Lulu tries her inations of the Vanthampur family come to light, descent into avernus pdf download to serve as the party's guide in Avernus, but the hol- the characters have a cha nce to confront Thavius lyphant's memories are fragmented. It becomes clear, Kreeg, the architect ofElturel's downfall, before however, that Lulu has a personal connection to Zariel, traveling to Candlekeep to unlock a mysterious dating back to the archdevil's former angelic existence.

After scouring Elturel for survivors and clashing with the denizens of Avernus, the characte rs en- counter the valiant Ulder Ravengard, who has been I placed in the most unusual s ituation of defending a city he has long opposed. To do so, they must scour Avernus for the means to destroy the After befriending a hollyphant named Lulu, the Companion or break the enormous chains that shackle characters help survivors in Elturel, a city an- that city, as described in chapter 3.

Apart from clashing demons and dev- ils, petty warlords scour the Avernian wastelands in search of treasure. Characters who forge an alliance with one warlord risk alienating the others.

Avernus in search of allies, face off against war- The more time she spends with the characters, the lords and fiends, and search for a way to destroy more Lulu begins to remember long-lost memories of the Companion or break E lturel's chains.

After Zariel's fall from grace, descent into avernus pdf download, the sword was hidden in a stronghold called the Bleed. The quest for the sword forms the crux of chapter 4, leading to the revelation that Zariel can be redeemed. The characters' success doesn't hinge on acquiring the Sword of Zariel or helping Zariel find redemption, as Gargauth is quick to point out should the characters salvation, but to get it, the characte rs must find the consult with him.

There are other ways to free Elturel, Bleeding Citadel- a litt le slice of heaven trapped in but only if the characters are willing to cut deals with hell. After they unlock Descent into avernus pdf download memories and claim the sword, the characters must decide who is fit to I Avernus's most evil denizens. The characters might broker a deal with the deposed archdevil Bel, descent into avernus pdf download wield s uch a powerful weapon of good. They might stoke the rage of a horrific demon I called Crokek'toeck and trick it into gnawing through Elturel's chains.

They might come to terms with an evil. By returning her sto- For characters of levels 13 and higher len treasure, characters can convince Tiamat to break The characters use the treasures they've acquired Elturel's chains.

Will they use the Sword must be careful, for devil deals, demon lords, and Tia- ofZariel or strike an infernal bargain to free the mat's rage number among the multiverse's greatest planetar trapped in the Companion? Will they coax threats. Also, Zariel herself might become cross with a demon into breaking Elturel's chains? Or will they cut a deal with the archdevil Zariel? J the characters for daring to meddle in her diabolical affairs. How the adventure concludes depends on the choices the characters make, the chaos they foment, and the deals they forge, as discussed in chapter 5.

There, Zariel was brought before Asmodeus, who wel- She felt that it was the responsibility of the angelic host comed her with open arms. The Lord of the Nine com- to destroy evil in the multiverse, rather than stand back mended Zariel for her battle prowess and the strength and watch demons and devils annihilate one another, of her convictions.

He offered her rulership of Avernus, destroying vast swaths of the multiverse in the process. By swearing fealty to Asmodeus In defiance of her superiors, Zariel left Mount Celestia and the Nine Hells, Zariel could bring her rage to bear and went to Elturel, where she rallied an army of war- against the demons and continue to fight in the Blood riors and trained them to fight in the Blood War.

She War, with legions of devils under her command, descent into avernus pdf download. Zariel promised them that when they were ready, she would accepted Asmodeus's terms, completing her fall from lead them into battle on Avernus, descent into avernus pdf download.

Harurnan followed his master into damnation Zariel led her army out of Elturel amid a throng of willingly and was transformed into a narzugon devil, descent into avernus pdf download, cheering well-wishers and proud citizens in DR. They fled back through the portal, seal- ing it behind them and never revealing their shameful Zariel never forgot her betrayers- those who ran from retreat and betrayal. The Hellriders. She kept a close eye on Elturel, waiting would wear this badge of shame to the grave.

A priest of Torm named Thavius Kreeg appealed to any power to help him save bis holy city. In Zariel lost more rhan her army on Avernus. She also lost that instant, Zariel emerged from a pillar of fire and of- a hand, which was severed in battle.

As her sword fell to fered him a deal, which Thavius readily accepted. Pow- would not destroy or corrupt it. Yael took the sword and ered by a planetar imprisoned within it, the Companion fled, along with Zariel's faithful hollyphant companion, bathed Elturel and the surrounding countryside in holy. Thavius infernal equivalent of a gold star and can eagerly expect Kreeg, who took credit for summoning the Companion, a superior to take notice and give it the promotion it so was hailed as the savior descent into avernus pdf download the city and rose to become richly deserves.

Meanwhile, when that mortal dies, its its high overseer. Under Kreeg's decades-long rule, soul will find itself condemned to the Nine Hells where Elturel embarked on a path to becoming not just a holy it twists into the form of a lemure unless it's used for city but the holy nation of Elturgard. That's how, over ages, a lemure might become a pit fiend. Thavius was told the exact time when the Companion But devils do more than corrupt.

They also fight in the would cease to protect Elturel. In the weeks leacling up Blood War.

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��Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus�� REVIEW - D&D 5E

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Descent into avernus pdf download

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